A well written piece, like a well made garment, requires patience.
Rarely does something present itself overnight.
It is a constant back and forth, an endless routine of additions and revisions. It can take days, weeks or even years before what started as a jumble of words and sentences can even begin to resemble what a
writer originally had in their mind.
The agony of this mental back and forth can sometimes express itself physically. Pacing up and down one’s own home whilst muttering half baked sentences. Throwing a ball against a wall
to try and find a rhythm in syntax.
Other times the best thing to do is for a writer to take themselves away from the work entirely - find something else to do for a good few hours. Perhaps through a gentle bit of gardening to relax the addled mind.
Or a long drive with the stereo turned up to max, yelling their lungs out in a primal release. Some even turn to reading the works of other writers in a last ditch attempt to find inspiration.
The work is never ending, therefore it is essential for writers to find a space where they can be relaxed to constantly chisel away at their craft in safety.
As providers of uniform for both work and play, it was only fitting that we take inspiration from the hermetic lifestyle of the writer to showcase a relaxed edit for the Autumn Winter collection
which features well loved classics and new additions.