Fashion Forecast - Riding

Fig. 1- Wearing informal kit, white riding jacket of salt sack, tanbark cavalry twill breeches, canvas buttoned puttees, black blucher riding shoes, blue silk and wool hunting shirt, white gum twill ratcatcher stock with blue spots, brown and black check one-piece top cap. White salt sack is a favorite of horsey society at Virginia. Well-dressed men both here and abroad have taken to black boots and riding shoes because of the popularity of brown with stable boys and grooms.

Fig. 2- Wearing Lovat cheviot riding coat, tan bedford cord jodhpur breeches, brown calf jodhpur boots, coral turtleneck sweater.

Fig. 3- The correct riding derby with the latter brim.

Fig. 4- The favorite shape cap- one piece top- it is of a check tweed.

Fig. 5- The telescope crown is a favorite way of wearing soft felt hat for riding.

Fig. 6- The knitted string glove.

Fig. 7- The pigskin riding glove with perforations.

Fig. 8- A brown buckskin glove with string fingers, for a good trip.

Fig. 9- Correct and smart jewelry.

           Gold safety pin with enamel foxhead.

           Gold coaching horn.

           Gold crop saefty pin.

           Heavy gold safety pin for stock.

           Wrist watch with leather strap fastened with a bit.

Fig. 10- The postboy waistcoat of heavy flannel. The back is of doeskin. In cool weather, the lapel buttons up, protecting one’s chest.

Fig. 11- A smart jodhpur boot.

Fig. 12- Correct soft legged straight back black boot.

Fig. 13- Hunting yellow silk handkerchief with hand painted or printed foxhead.

Fig. 14- A pink oxford shirt with high neckband. The collar and tie is one, and ties like a single end dress tie. Ideal for informal riding and exercising.

Fig. 15- The cashmere shirt with separate round collar is ideal for riding. A stock to match may be worn in place of collar and tie.

Fig. 16- The hunting shirt of all wool or silk and wool with silk neckband. The most practicable and comfortable shirt for riding or hunting.

Fig. 17- Two-piece underwear most suited for riding is a short shirt with boat neck and half-sleeves; the three-quarter length drawers are flyless and extremely high waisted with colorful, wide stomacher. Tightly ribbed cuff at bottom of drawers.

Fig. 18- Overplaid checked tie in either silk or cashmere. Checks are returning to tremendous popularity for both sports and business wear.

Fig. 19- Blue silk gum twill polka dot stock.

Fig. 20- Cashmere hacking stock to match cashmere shirt below. Note that the hacking stock is much broader than the usual stock.

Fig. 21- Blue flannel taffeta stock.

Fig. 22- White woven silk stock for park riding or hunting. Throw-over style

Fig.23- Silk foulard ratcatcher stock tie.

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